“When God has something very great to accomplish for his church,
it is his will that there should precede it,
the extraordinary prayers of his people”
- Jonathan Edwards

Starting June 2023, we are committed to pray in and for all 39 cities and towns of Rhode Island.

For each municipality we're praying:
that God would be glorified
for the gospel to spread
for strongholds and oppression to break
for neighborhoods to know God's love
Here’s how you can participate:

1 - Prayerfully consider which town you would like to pray for and sign up for that town (at church or online below). It does not have to be the town you live in and its okay if someone else has already committed to that city/town as well.

2 - Determine a time to go to that town and also where in the town you will go to pray. Consider a prominent or significant location in that town. (There is a list of cities and addressed to each town hall here.).

3 - Prepare for the prayer time by making a list of specific things to pray for that town. Below, you will find a link to a Wikipedia page with articles for each city.  This may help know more about the town and highlight historical, economic, or demographic distinctives to pray about. What do you sense the LORD is leading you to pray on behalf of the people of the town?

4 - When you arrive, be mindful of your surroundings and pick a place to pray. As you pray, be aware of things God may be bringing up for you to pray for while you are there. Remember, God is always at work - be open to something the LORD may show you while you are there.

5 - After your time of prayer, make some notes about your time. What did you pray for? Did God show you anything? Do you sense any "next steps" to take? Etc. Finally, complete the “Follow Up” form below or at church and we will indicate on the map that that city has been prayed for!

'Seek the welfare of the city
where I have sent you into exile,
and pray to the LORD on its behalf;
for in its welfare you will have welfare.'
Jeremiah 29:7

Prayer Sign Up

Post-Prayer Follow Up

In Rhode Island, As Is It Is In Heaven...

Here's an update on which cities have been prayed for! Colored in section indicate that city has been prayed for: