God's love is not like any love you have known. His love is not dependent on your performance, your pedigree or your personality. His love endures forever. Knowing this amazing God and experiencing His love has changed our lives. Now, with all that we are we want to love Him back.

we love God
we love people
Christians today are known for all sorts of things. But "the most loving people in the world" is rarely on the list. Yet loving others is exactly what Christians should be known for and we're endeavoring to make that true. We aren't a religious gathering or a special insider club - we're a family.
Come and see what God has done in the lives of messy and imperfect people. We want you to join us and know the love that we have known. Whether a seeker, a skeptic, a sinner, or saint, there is a place for you at God's table.

we love you
Service Times
Sunday Mornings
10:00 am
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